Charity Food Programs That Can End Hunger in America

Written by John Arnold in 1996 to summarize the findings of the award winning Feeding America West Michigan/Michigan State University Waste-Not Want-Not research project, Charity Food Programs That Can End Hunger in America remains the definitive guide to building a charity food system capable of meeting the need for food assistance in this country.

The edition of Charity Food Programs That Can End Hunger in America featured on this site was published in 2004 by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America World Hunger Program. A printable PDF is available here, and other editions can be downloaded here.

“If a community addresses the key issues our research has identified, it likely can adequately address its hunger problem. (…) If a community does not address the key issues our research has identified, no conceivable configuration of compensatory measures will bring adequately addressing its hunger problem to within reach.”

– International award-winning Feeding America West Michigan Food Bank / Michigan State University Waste Not Want Not Project

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